I created a supercut of Revenge of the Sith and The Siege of Mandalore
I created a supercut of Revenge of the Sith and The Siege of Mandalore
My Words
I’ve spent close to one thousand hours making this a cohesive supercut, whether that mean meshing musical themes or splicing chronologically simultaneous scenes together. I cut out bad dialogue, gratuitous scenes, and so on, shortening this movie down to only 3 hours. I even add some of my favorite musical tracks missing from these films. Lastly, I spent painstaking hours ordering the scenes in a way that gives the movie fluid pacing and coherent tonal shifts. My mission here was to truly make this feel like one grandstanding film that presents the fall of The Republic. Thus, I give you– Fallen Heroes. Enjoy!
Your Words
“Unbelievable. I've seen the film and the cartoon spliced together before, but this was a masterpiece - the pacing, the suspense, the music... Good God, the music.
Some scenes felt better than the original in terms of suspense and pacing with your cutting, in particular the Tragedy of Darth Plageuis the wise.
Maul v Ashoka was another highlight. The score, the anticipation, the main event... really spectacular. It was clear about 5 minutes in how much work had gone into this. I really appreciate that you've angled this from a movie-making point of view rather than cramming in as much content as possible.”
If you still need convincing to watch….
here’s a compilation of some of the edits from the movie…